Development of 'minimum residual type' LDS syringe, Punglim Pharmatech...Industrial packaging on the representative
2022.10.31 09:53


The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety holds a ceremony to commemorate the 14th Medical Device Day


[Sisa News Reporter Hwang Soo-bun] POONGLIM Pharmatech, which is called K-quarantine and K-injector and developed a minimum residual type (LDS) syringe used for vaccination against COVID-19 by reducing the remaining amount of injection after administration, was awarded an industrial package.


The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety held the 14th Medical Device Day ceremony at the COEX Grand Ballroom in Gangnam-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 28th and awarded 18 medals, packaging, and commendations to those who contributed to the development of the medical device industry.


The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety awarded the Stone Pagoda Industrial Medal to Woo Young Medical CEO Lee Young-kyu, who contributed to the development of medical technology by succeeding in localizing drug injection pumps for the first time in Korea.


In addition, industrial packaging was awarded to Cho Hee-min, CEO of POONGLIM Pharmatech, who contributed to K-quarantine by developing LDS syringes. Four people, including Oh Sung-M&D CEO Choi In-joon, received the presidential commendation, and five others, including Lee Yoo-kyung, a professor at Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital, received the Prime Minister's commendation.


The event was organized for the innovative leap of medical devices and the harmony and communication of medical device-related workers such as the government, industry, academia, and consumer organizations.


With the COVID-19 pandemic, the domestic medical device industry has set the stage for entering the global market.


The domestic medical device industry's production performance in 2020 is 10.1358 trillion won, up 39.2% year-on-year, and its export performance is 6.64 billion dollars (about 7.8315 trillion won), up 81.1% year-on-year.


Accordingly, the medical device industry is evaluated as a high-value-added promising industry that is expected to continue to grow and a key industry leading the 4th industrial revolution.


Kim Kang-rip, head of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, said at the event, "I deeply appreciate everyone who is striving to create a safe medical device and healthy Korea," adding, "We will spare all policy support such as overhauling laws and systems to put people's lives and health first so that the medical device industry can look and prepare for 100 years."